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Paul Smith, CFA
Marc Faber PH.D.
Petr Koblic
Dmytro Sologub, CFA
James McCormack
Ludwik Sobolewski
Frank M. Hatheway
Prof. Witold M.Orlowski
Attila Koksal, CFA
Olaf Osica
Michał Woźniak, CFA
Marcin Zaborowski, Ph.D
Grzegorz Zawada, CFA
Liam Halligan
Zsolt Darvas
Ismail Erdem, CFA
Bartosz Pawłowski, CFA
Tomasz Stadnik
Richárd Végh
Zsuzsa Ortutay
Jacek T. Matyjasik
Rafał Matulewicz
Marc Ostwald
Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D.
Guy Stear
Dr. Adam Lessing, LL.M.
Rodion Lomivorotov
Severin Vartigov, MBA
Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD
Zsuzsa Ortutay, Group Treasurer of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc

Zsuzsa Ortutay is the Group Treasurer of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc since March 2013.
She started her carrier at Citibank, Paris and joined TVK in 1998 where she lead the Investor Relations and Treasury departments. Between 2003 and 2006 she worked as treasury advisor of CFO in INA d.d., the Croatian National Oil Company in Zagreb. Since 2007 she has worked in different positions in Mol Group: head of Retail Controlling, lead the INA integration and efficiency improvement project , CFO of Petrolszolg Kft. and from 2012 head of Group Cash Management.
Zsuzsa got her Bachelor's degree in Baker University, Kansas, MSc in economics at University of Miskolc and post graduate, DESS degree in Banking and Finance at Panthéon-Assas, Paris University.