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Paul Smith, CFA
Marc Faber PH.D.
Petr Koblic
Dmytro Sologub, CFA
James McCormack
Ludwik Sobolewski
Frank M. Hatheway
Prof. Witold M.Orlowski
Attila Koksal, CFA
Olaf Osica
Michał Woźniak, CFA
Marcin Zaborowski, Ph.D
Grzegorz Zawada, CFA
Liam Halligan
Zsolt Darvas
Ismail Erdem, CFA
Bartosz Pawłowski, CFA
Tomasz Stadnik
Richárd Végh
Zsuzsa Ortutay
Jacek T. Matyjasik
Rafał Matulewicz
Marc Ostwald
Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D.
Guy Stear
Dr. Adam Lessing, LL.M.
Rodion Lomivorotov
Severin Vartigov, MBA
Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD
Ludwik Sobolewski, CEO of Bucharest Stock Exchange

Ludwik Sobolewski was appointed as CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) in August 2013. Before joining BVB, Sobolewski was President and CEO of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) between 2006 and 2013. During his mandate, WSE became the leading stock exchange in CEE and a listed company on its own regulated market since 2010, after the rolling of a successful IPO. Sobolewski supported the business development of the stock exchange, by attracting new companies for listing, increasing the number of international members of the WSE, and by promoting the services and products of the exchange. He also played an active role in the creation of the capital market infrastructure, with NewConnect, a market for start-ups, early stage and small and medium-size companies, with Catalyst market, the first organized, exchange-type market for non-treasury debt securities in Poland, with the BondSpot SA and the Polish Power Exchange SA acquisition.