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Paul Smith, CFA
Marc Faber PH.D.
Petr Koblic
Dmytro Sologub, CFA
James McCormack
Ludwik Sobolewski
Frank M. Hatheway
Prof. Witold M.Orlowski
Attila Koksal, CFA
Olaf Osica
Michał Woźniak, CFA
Marcin Zaborowski, Ph.D
Grzegorz Zawada, CFA
Liam Halligan
Zsolt Darvas
Ismail Erdem, CFA
Bartosz Pawłowski, CFA
Tomasz Stadnik
Richárd Végh
Zsuzsa Ortutay
Jacek T. Matyjasik
Rafał Matulewicz
Marc Ostwald
Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D.
Guy Stear
Dr. Adam Lessing, LL.M.
Rodion Lomivorotov
Severin Vartigov, MBA
Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD
Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga , President of CFA Society Poland

President of CFA Society Poland, Professor of Economic Sciences at Wroclaw University of Economics (title given by the President of Poland in 1992), Head of Finance Management Institute. He is member in scientific and professional organizations: Member of Executive Board of Committee of Statistics and Econometrics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Member of Executive Board of Committee of Financial Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences , Member of Executive Board of Committee of Economic Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interests are: financial markets and instruments, risk management, corporate finance, real estate, insurance and quantitative methods (econometrics, statistics).He was a member of the Scientific Council of the National Bank of Poland and a member of the Supervisory Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange.