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Paul Smith, CFA
Marc Faber PH.D.
Petr Koblic
Dmytro Sologub, CFA
James McCormack
Ludwik Sobolewski
Frank M. Hatheway
Prof. Witold M.Orlowski
Attila Koksal, CFA
Olaf Osica
Michał Woźniak, CFA
Marcin Zaborowski, Ph.D
Grzegorz Zawada, CFA
Liam Halligan
Zsolt Darvas
Ismail Erdem, CFA
Bartosz Pawłowski, CFA
Tomasz Stadnik
Richárd Végh
Zsuzsa Ortutay
Jacek T. Matyjasik
Rafał Matulewicz
Marc Ostwald
Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D.
Guy Stear
Dr. Adam Lessing, LL.M.
Rodion Lomivorotov
Severin Vartigov, MBA
Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD
Jacek T. Matyjasik , Executive Director of Finance in PKN ORLEN

Executive Director of Finance in PKN ORLEN, responsible for liquidity, cash and market risk management, including fx, interest and commodity as well as credit management, vindication and insurance. President and Chairman of the Board of ORLEN Finance and ORLEN Capital residents of Sweden as well as ORLEN Insurance and ORLEN Holding Malta, both residents of Malta. PKN ORLEN Group operates in Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Germany and Canada, and with +20bn EUR annual turnover is the largest in CEE integrated refining & petchem corporation with the network of 2700 petrol stations and developing upstream operations. Earlier, Director of Corporate Banking in ING Bank. Holds MBA of Carlson School of Management University of Minnesota, and MSc from Warsaw School of Economics, faculty Banking and Finance.
Father of two daughters, completed three marathons.